We believe artists deserve to take up space, create new rules and rise to the top. 



Join our welcoming, high-touch community to get the motivation you need to keep elevating and become unstoppable.

Live coaching. Curated marketing lessons. Proven business strategies. Connections for life.

Let’s be clear: no one can take your art away from you.

While opportunities come and go, your relationship with yourself *and* your art is forever.

But what does it look like to truly nurture, protect and elevate your talent?

… To the point where you can be making sales, creating your own opportunities, increasing your rates, landing cool collaborations and more?

(Without second-guessing yourself or backing out when impostor syndrome shows up!)

THAT level of commitment takes consistency, community and access to strong networks in the art world to skyrocket you forward.


The AQ Society 2.0.



Whether you’re an artist, designer, educator, artpreneur, muralist or curator, introvert or extrovert, idealist or realist — you have a place here. We accept you for all you are and embrace all the goals you’re working towards. Even better? We’ll hand you the proven tools to turn them into a pinch-me (“is this really happening??”) reality.


Tap into our encouraging circle to help you move the needle in your business — we’re here to support you through the highs *and* the lows. Learn from Kat, fellow Art Queens and her handpicked guest experts. Learn the strategies to help you sell more art and offers, grow your audience, and attract the right opportunities.


Our monthly sessions feature coaching by Kat, leading guest speakers, curators, art professionals and a supportive, competition-free community to keep you informed, supported, inspired and connected to like-minded artists to get feedback on all you do. Building your business doesn’t have to be done solo.





  •  A dedicated community, where like-minded artists and entrepreneurs support and encourage  each other.
  • 2x structured live coaching group calls per month with specially invited guest experts, leading art professionals, and artists to help you level up.
  • Instagram support from our team: post your work to our account of over 20k followers anytime!




  • Access to over 50 recorded sessions to support you on your journey you can watch on your own time.
  • Access to Kat’s exclusive network in the art world of curators, coaches and talented artists on the rise.
  • Templates and guides.


Hey, There!

Hey, There! Hey, There!

Meet Your Master Coach, Artpreneur and Mentor: Ekaterina Popova

Who’s the artpreneur handing out all these crowns?

Hi! I’m Kat — artist, artpreneur, rosé kombucha fanatic, vintage Victorian teacup collector and dog mama to my baby Pomeranian, Kolibri.

I'm a multi-passionate soul: painter, author, podcaster, and coach with a mission to help the art world heal and thrive.

I’ve come a long way since crying while serving pancakes and selling makeup at Macy’s after graduating art school!

Since then, I’ve been able to:

  • Grow my art business to six-figures.
  • Exhibit and sell my work globally.
  • Write bestselling books.
  • Land features in multiple blogs and publications — including Colossal, Flow, The Jealous Curator, and The Philadelphia Inquirer.
  • Complete sought-after art residences across the world.
  • Manifest a dream studio in Philadelphia.

And today? I also love teaching my systems and processes to artists who want to build their businesses to six figures, because that’s where I’ve seen true magic happen!

I believe it’s too exhausting to expect our lives to depend on the ONE thing we do… But by embracing multiple strengths instead? 

Building a robust business (while being a talented creative) can free us from the “suffering artist” archetype and pave the way for more abundance, community and joy.

At the end of the day, I’ve learned that growing, scaling and manifesting more of what you want is easier when you’re surrounded by ambitious artists who can show you what’s truly possible.

The thing is, the opportunities available to you in the art world are SO much more than just getting into galleries or selling your art consistently. 

Hey, There!


If you want to turn your art into a full-time business that you *love* every single day… 

→ You need access to a community of rising and thriving artists, robust connections in the art world and time to learn new strategies… With expert feedback along the way to hold you accountable.

(And lots and lots of fun, too.)

That’s exactly why I created this membership. 


Creating Your Own Epic Opportunities with Ashley Longshore

Ashley Longshore, based in New Orleans/New York, is a self-taught artist who is often dubbed a young, feminist Andy Warhol for her contributions to pop art and her creative inspiration drawn from pop culture figures and brands.

Ask a Gallerist with Liz Lidgett

Are you looking to learn how to catch a gallerist's eye and boost your art sales? Learn from Liz Lidgett and gain valuable insights to propel your art career forward. Liz's gallery works with over 50 artists from all over the world.

How to Attract Curators and Opportunities with Gita Joshi

Wouldn't it be great to get the inside scoop directly from a curator? Join us with Gita Joshi and find out how to level up your professionalism and position yourself to attract more curators and beyond.







billed monthly
  • 2x  live Group Coaching calls or guest speaker lessons
  • Art career and creative business archives with over 50+ videos
  • Community of likeminded souls from around the world
  • Masterclass Vault with industry leaders, curators, artists
  • Guides and Templates
  • Cancel anytime
  • Instant access

(Value: $2999/year)





PER year
billed annually
  • 2x live group coaching calls or guest speaker lessons
  • Art career and creative business archives with over 50+ videos
  • Community of likeminded souls from around the world
  • Masterclass Vault with industry leaders, curators, artists
  • Guides and Templates
  • BONUS: Save $106
  • Instant access

(Value: $2999/year)


Upcoming Events

This art community membership is for you if:


  • You have been working hard in the studio but need help with marketing and building your creative business

  • You’re a seasoned artist who wants to break through their current ceiling

  • You are ready to grow and learn powerful art business strategies to take your art career to the next level

  • You have an open mind and are willing to see things differently

  • You have MASSIVE goals and ambitions but don't have a like-minded community to offer you support and accountability

  • You are ready to step into the best version of yourself as an artist and leader

  • You are ready to start attracting your dream income and opportunities 

  • You are done with excuses and are committed to change and growth 



I am proud to be an Art Queen member. Since joining in Fall 2020, I have found this community and the sessions have been one of the reasons that I took the leap to be a full-time artist after many years of doing it as my side hustle. This diverse group of supportive queens have felt like a safety net through these last months. I know I am not alone in this creative journey. I adore them all and I am in constant awe of their art-making talents.
Billie Rae Busby
I joined The Art Queens the day it launched and have been a member ever since. It's been genuinely life-changing for me. The artist friends I've made, the confidence I've built -- I'm selling work, building a collage community and launching my first publication. The Queens are it!
Elyse' Jokinen | Wilder Collage
The Art Queens have given me invaluable support both mentally and fiscally in my art business. No matter where you are in your creative career, you feel stronger having a group of women on your side that can both relate to your struggles and then help you get through them, all with love in their hearts. This group is proof that sharing your light makes the world a brighter place.
Jamie Pomeranz
It's been a year now, since I joined the Art Queens and it has been a life-changing experience. It was my first year as a full time artist and I initially joined to learn how to market my art, but I have gained so much more. In addition to the true friendships from likeminded women who believe that we rise by lifting others, I have grown from a newbie artist to a real Queen.
Art Queens has changed my life during the pandemic. In March 2021 I lost my day job and then applied to over 50 jobs and received 1 interview. Art queens gave me support, encouragement and resources I needed to transition into being a full time artist ans artrepenuer. So grateful for this community!
Jen Dwyer
Since joining The Art Queens a few months ago, I have already made back my investment in art sales! I have learned SO much and have gotten the best support from the wonderful Queens. Founder Kat is the most genuine, thoughtful and engaged leader, and makes me feel at home in this amazing group of go-getter artists.
Laurén Magda


What can really happen when you join Art Queens?



Get answers, tips, and advice directly from other leading world artists, curators, and coaches to empower you and get you ready to take on the world!



Learn the strategies to help you sell more art, grow your audience, and attract the right opportunities.



Join an empowering network of inspiring artists and get the accountability and support you need to drive your business forward. Our members build friendships that inspire them to meet in person, attend residencies and even work together. 



Bring your passion for your craft and we’ll help you develop the mindset to increase your clientele and grow your influence. 


Warning! Additional side effects may include increased confidence, financial breakthroughs, and a more fulfilling daily life.

Since launching in March 2020, we’ve witnessed queens shattering their glass ceilings, surpassing 10k months, becoming their own bosses, crushing their sales goals, attracting brand partnerships, and building lifelong friendships beyond the calls.

After observing our members for the past few months, I can confidently say that this community changes lives. - Kat

Artists usually work alone, but building your business doesn’t have to be done solo.

When you join The Art Queens Society, you’ll have a space to share your struggles, your wins and your work — in a supportive community that will rally for you every single time, whether it’s in our live monthly coaching calls or our private online space.

And before that happens?

As soon as you select your membership option, you’ll get INSTANT access to our curated library of business and marketing training materials and coaching sessions.

Can you say win-win? 


I'M IN! Artists usually work alone, but building your business doesn’t have to be done solo.

A final note from my paint-splattered biz diary… 


As artists, we often struggle to feel like we belong — and I know we all crave greater transparency, warmth and connection in this industry.


That’s ALL about to change for you.


I see more community, creativity and collaborations in your future… And it’s going to unfold WAY faster than you think!


That’s because you’ll have invested in your growth, and committed to protecting your dreams when you become an Art Queen.


Whether you join me inside the Art Queens Society or not, I’m asking you to believe that you are SO capable of growing your art business, finding genuine connection with artists and that you’re *always* allowed to play by your own rules.


Artists go through so many seasons and cycles, and it’s so much easier when you have a community to help you through them all.


Together, this community of Art Queens (and the valuable intel I house inside this membership) can help you attract the opportunities you truly deserve.


But the choice is in your hands now.


Are you ready to take action to fuel your dreams?


Or will you keep figuring it out on your own, operate at the same level and convince yourself that you don’t deserve to play big?


Our talent and time is so valuable – but there’s so much more to our lives that’s integral to help us lead a fulfilling life; and we need each other if we want to lift the industry and scale together.


I hope that when you join me inside the Art Queens membership, you’ll see that too.


With love + rosé kombucha,



+ What's inside the Art Queens Society?

We get together for at least two live monthly calls on Zoom that feature arts business education, mindset work, group coaching, and instruction from me and inspiring leaders in the art community. ⁣The sessions are always recorded and uploaded to the member portal.⁣

+ How does the membership work?

My aim for this is to create a safe, welcome, empowering, and educational experience while developing friendships with one another. ⁣At the end of each call, you will have an opportunity to ask questions, meet your tribe, and learn how to elevate your art business and studio practice.

+ Is this right for all career levels?

Yes, our sessions include topics that can be adapted to any career level. We are confident you will benefit from our coaching sessions no matter what stage you are at.

+ What if I can't make it to a live call?

All trainings will be recorded and uploaded a few days following the class. We understand that not all of our global members can attend the live sessions, but we do our best rotate the call times to accommodate as many members as possible. You are always welcome to watch recordings if you can't make it to the live event on Zoom.

+ What happens after I join?

Once you join, you will receive email communication from us regarding meeting times and Zoom links, new resources, and downloads. You will get access to our exclusive Facebook group and have an opportunity to join the Create! Magazine Directory for Art Queens.

+ How do I access the recordings?

You can go to www.theartqueens.com/login and click "society," then “log in.” Once you are logged in, you will be redirected to the member area.

+ Can I get a refund?

Due to the digital nature of the membership, there are no refunds once you have enrolled. You can cancel anytime. If you need assistance please email [email protected] for support.

+ What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel your membership anytime and are always welcome to come back when you are ready to join us again. We understand that life has different seasons. Contact [email protected] for additional support.

+ Can you guarantee results?

While we can't guarantee specific results, hundreds of art queens have benefited from this membership and will vouch that it is a positive experience.